Amizetta family photo


Spencer Clark
Amizetta Clark
Perry Clark
Edward Clark
Spencer Clark Jr.
Property Manager
Amizetta Clark, MD
Patrick Volner
Estate Director
Jose Rincon
Ranch Manager
John Tanda
Estate Host
Rachel Sturm
Marketing & Membership Manager
Brandon Tatera
Shipping Coordinator
Brenda Garcia
Concierge & Lodging Coordinator
Melissa Hammack
Event Coordinator & Concierge
Jose Rincon Jr
Production Assisant
Vineyard Team


Vineyard Dogs

Jose Rincon, Jr., Production Assisant

Jose Jr joined the Amizetta team 6 years ago after growing up on the Amizetta property with his father and family. As the eldest sibling, he spent his childhood running around the property and now knows it like the back of his hand. When Jose Jr isn't in our Cellar assisting Eddie with the wine making process, you can find him on the property helping his Dad or Spencer Jr. A man of many talents, he enjoys playing soccer and has been an avid player since the age of 5. In his spare time, Jr loves to write songs (rap or hip-hop based) and has quite the voice!